Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dear Leah

Dear Leah:

Leaving you at John & Laurie’s home was one of the most difficult things I’ve done over the past few years. After more than six months of being your partner, 24/7, we’ve become (well, in my opinion anyway) as tight as a human/animal duo can get.

The two airplanes rides I kept wishing you were straddling my lap so we could both sleep well. The first trip lasted almost four hours (kind of like the one we took home on Tuesday afternoon) and the second nearly eight hours. Your company would have been so nice – but I’m sure you would have wanted to get up, go potty – and there wasn’t anyplace to do that.

When I arrived at Charles de Gaulle airport outside Paris, I missed you even more. I had to wait more than two hours for the train to Le Mans and, had you been with me, we could have taken a nice walk outside the airport – even though the weather wasn’t terribly cooperative.

The ride down to Le Mans – in first class on the train – was so lovely. We could have watched the scenery together, taken another nap and generally passed the time giving one another the love.

Ian [Bamsey, my editor at Race Engine Technology] met me at the train station and we went over to the Sporting Hotel, where I’m staying until the race begins. There are three flights of stairs to the room, which is tiny. The WC is down the hall, as is the shower. Not that you’d care, of course, but the stairs are kind of steep.

We went to Scrutineering after that, in the town hall by the grand cathedral of Le Mans. It was so crowded I would have had to carry you to the media area. People were jostling to see the Peugeot racecars and I nearly got squished myself!

In the media area, there were so many questions about you: people that have met you wanted to know why you’re not here in Le Mans. I had to explain the difficulty of traveling overseas with you and the fact that I’m going to be so busy I couldn’t give you the attention you deserve. But every time I have seen another doggie in this town, my heart dips as I think of you and how much I miss you.

These days have been busy with work during the day and relentless play at night. Ian and I have been trying to deplete France’s supply of wine and failing miserably. But it’s sure helping me sleep at night that is for sure!

Every time the photo of you from Fontana flashes on my screen in the rotating scrum of wallpaper, I just want to stare at it for the five minutes it covers my desktop. We have become such good partners over these months and I miss you so much. (That seems to be the theme of this letter, doesn’t it?)

I’ve been so busy at the racetrack trying to get interviews and people photos in the can so that I can shoot on the track during the 24-hour race. It would have been so difficult for you to work with me during that time, but it seems you’ve been busy yourself, going to car dealerships and to show-and-tell at school with Emma Martinez. I guess you were the star of the show at school and Emma looks so excited in the pictures John sent along.

I’m glad John, Laurie and Emma – not to mention Lilly and ALL the cats – are keeping you busy. And that you’re getting along with all of them, even sleeping with cats? What has the world come to?

Still and all, life without you isn’t nearly as complete as life with you, Leah, and I’m counting the days until we see each other again. Keep that snarky sweatshirt I use for gym nice and warm, smelling like you, until I come back on Monday.

On Friday I had to do lots of interviews because there was no on-track activity. I walked more than 12 miles that day, including to and from the tram and hotel, of course. Your little legs would have been a mess, I am sure! As the week has progressed, even more people have asked for you. You really made a positive impression on the international media at Sebring with your excellent manners.

The race begins Saturday at 3PM (sorry, 1500 hrs) and lasts until the same time on Sunday. I’ll be coming home via Paris (won’t see the city; just the Charles de Gaulle airport) on Monday after spending the final night in a hotel with nice towels, sheets and a comfy bed.

The exhaustion I’m feeling riding the train to the hotel can’t be explained. I was up on Saturday morning at 6AM and got about 3 hours of sleep on the media center floor. It seems to get harder every year. So as much as I’ve missed you and longed for you, it really was the right thing to leave you with the Martinez family.

It sure looked like you were okay with them and took care of everyone around you, even the little girl with the broken ankle who didn’t know she liked dogs until she met you. Leah, you sure are infectious that way. That’s probably one of the many reasons you have this job being my partner.

For that reason and so many more, I can’t wait to have you with me again, my sweet patootie!


I've attached some photos of the swarm of people around the Peugeot, the train station, my favorite bar (Mulligan's), the view of my room and from my room too!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Leah goes to summer camp while mom's in France

Mom went to Le Mans, France. I went to John, Laurie & Emma’s place for some R&R. It was like summer camp with a little work thrown in.

Mom left me at the Ark – that’s what she calls it – the night before she left for France to work the Le Mans 24-Hour race. We’d had a few preliminary visits prior to this particular Friday evening and I felt fairly comfortable with Lilly the beagle, but I still wasn’t sure about Sophie and Abby the cats.

The Ark family have a great backyard to pee and poop in and I quickly found “my” spot. They don’t let us out there alone because there are hawks, they said. That’s fine with me because I’m accustomed to having someone watch me do my business. And they clean up my waste with a shovel like immediately. Wow, that’s service.

Anyway, I knew Mom had been upset about something and she’d been packing, but I didn’t see my dinner bowl or any food going into the suitcase. That got me a little out of sorts because suitcases usually mean somebody’s leaving and I want to go everywhere, like I have since last November.

Mom left her grungy Gale Banks zip sweatshirt to remind me of her smell. The first couple nights I was all over it. Well, I sit in the same sweatshirt at home, so it’s really nothing new.

What is new that I’ve developed an attraction with a cat toy. It’s fun to bat around. I haven’t played very much in the last year or so – or maybe forever, who knows – but this has been fun. It’s just a little furry thing, but it’s fun. John thought I just wanted to get to the cats with this thing, but I really like it.

John took me to work with him on Monday. We’d had a fun weekend but it was time to go to work. He sells tires, so we went to a bunch of car dealerships and John had his meetings while I relaxed on the bed/airline blanket Mom left behind for me. We even went to Taco Bell and John let me have some cheese. I just love cheese; so does Mom.

The next day I stayed home with Laurie while John went to work and Emma to school. And I found out that this is really summer camp – I get to chase cats and play with all their toys. And I get to go grocery shopping and put my nose on the floor. We even voted! And then we joined Emma for “show and tell” where Emma used me as the prop. John & Laurie both came to school to explain what I do.

It was fun watching all the kids ditch the building when the big bell rang. I like to run like that too.

These people know how to do summer camp. I was so tired I fell asleep on the couch with Laurie, Lilly and the cats. Please don’t tell. I kicked Lilly off her big red dog bed on the floor and got her a bit upset. Lilly sure talks a lot, unlike me. I just sleep a lot.

On Wednesday we went to dealerships again. Some of them were really nice and I got to sleep in the parts director’s lap at a Cadillac store. That’s part of my job, I guess. We picked up Emma at school later in the day. It sure was fun watching all the kids flying out the door when the bell rang. I don’t like the bell, though.

On Thursday I went traveling with John again to a big tire warehouse. There were a lot of them – so many more than we see at the races – but they weren’t as big as the racing tires. I used my charm to help John get a bigger order from the guys at the warehouse, so he must be happy I’m here. Then we went to school – again – for Emma’s award ceremony and the final day of school before she joins me at summer camp.

The school named me mascot of the week. Wow, what an honor. John had to tell everybody my story again and we got a round of applause. It’s all been fun but I sure miss my sleep next to mom while she works… I love the soothing sound of her keyboard.

Finally it was Friday and still no sign of mom. We stayed at home with Laurie, who was so pleased that Emma pulled straight “A’s” on her report card. It was kind of chilly, even though it’s June, and I was so glad mom left my lightweight pink sweater I got from Amanda for Christmas.

We went to the park with Emma and some of her pals and there was this one little girl who was afraid of dogs. I quickly helped her overcome that fear by falling asleep on her lap. Now she wants a dog just like me and isn’t afraid anymore. (At least I got to do some work). This same girl has a fractured ankle and is in a cast, so spending time with me was just the therapy she needed.

On Saturday we went to the movies and saw a dog movie. Doesn’t that figure?

I kept looking at the door and waiting for mom to show up, and she finally did after dinner on Monday night. I have never been so happy. Neither has she? But we want to keep in touch with John, Laurie & Emma and come over regularly to their house. After all, every working dog needs someplace where they can go and just be a regular ol’ pooch. I have to admit I miss the Ark but I know I’ve got friends who are happy to have me over any time.