Monday, June 11, 2012

My month in Indianapolis

Our annual trip to the Indianapolis 500 was, well, quite a trip! We left on a Saturday and were supposed to be on a 9:30 morning flight, but the lovely folks at American Airlines decided to cancel our flight and put us in a 6AM barge instead, so off we went at 4AM to LAX. Mom was not happy so neither was I. Always at the airport everyone says hello to me and Mom says that when she travels overseas, everyone asks for me! Nice to know I'm wanted and missed when I'm not around. On the planes the flight attendants are so solicitous of my needs, but all I want is a spot on Mom's lap and maybe some water before we land. Otherwise I need nothing but love. We drove down to Indy from Chicago in a Mitsubishi Outlander Sport. It was easy to climb in and out of, always important for a little dog like myself, and the seats were very comfortable (ditto). We went directly to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway racetrack and hung out for a while, then over to Debbie's house where I saw my good friends Hector, Sierra and also Heaven, who lives with Debbie's mom Pam. Heaven's an Australian Shepherd - I like her but she sure has a lot of hair. The following days were a succession of going to the track, walking around the driver's coach area and the paddock, and staying in the media center while Mom went out to work. Uncle Dario invited me to come stay in his coach any time I wanted and Uncle Waddie kept giving me Great Dane-sized hugs all month. It was so nice to go over there and see Shug, Buttermilk, George and Arthur, who own Uncle Dario/Aunt Ashley and Uncle Scott/Auntie Emma Dixon, respectively. I even let them smell my woo-woo so they know how sweet I am. On race day we got inside the track before the cannon went off and then managed our way over to Honda hospitality for breakfast. I always like their food and Mom usually gives me a little here and there. Every time we go to Honda's coach, Uncle Bobby Unser is there; I really like him because he's funny and I naturally gravitate to three-time Indianapolis 500 winners. Uncle Dario joined that very exclusive club this year and we're so happy for him. The race was terrific - Mom spent most of it in the media center - it was noisy but not as noisy as the NHRA races (nothing is) - but most of the cacophony came from the other writers. Darn, they talk a lot! Especially Robin Miller, who sits just behind us. He always has lots of donuts to give away to the other journalists and Mom usually takes one, even though she never eats stuff like that at home. She went to the pits for the last pit stops and the final laps of the race, but came back after Uncle Dario won so I could sit in on the press conference. I always go to Uncle Dario's press conferences; I do like him so much. This year the Target people brought Bulls-Eye the dog into the press conference and I thought I was the only canine permitted there so I did the right thing - I barked at him. Didn't phase the boy one bit but everybody was laughing so I guess I did the right thing? Aunt Ashley came over to give me some love and let me know I'm still her No. 1 chihuahua. That was so nice. The next day we went home to Long Beach and Mom went back to pounding the keys while sitting on the sofa. It was nice being at home again and doing our daily walks but the second day I went flying off the sofa and hurt my left rear leg. At least I didn't break anything but Mom was very worried; she treated me with heat, massage and treats. Maybe I need to get hurt more often to get this kind of love? Well, maybe not… She left for Le Mans a week later and now I'm at John and Laurie's with Lilly the dog and the three cats. The first night we all slept together with the humans on the bed. Who said we need to get along? We do just fine…. Ta for now! Leah Oh, about the photos: there's one of me catching shade under Alex Tagliani's race car, a photo of me with rookie sensation Josef Newgarden, chillin' at Honda hospitality with Uncle Bobby Unser and Ashley Judd giving me the love at Uncle Dario's winner's press conference